Roland Williams, MAC, LAADC, SAP, ACRPS
"Working with addicts since 1986, I firmly believe addiction is treatable.
I have years of success helping clients recover, as well as helping
treatment centers run more effectively."

If you are a treatment provider and need assistance...
If you or someone you know has a problem with drugs or alcohol...
Welcome to the website for Roland F. Williams, MA, MAC, Master Addictions Counselor, Licensed Advanced Addiction Counselor (LAADC), Internationally Certified Addictions Counselor (ICADC), Nationally Certified Addiction Counselor Level Two (NCAC II), Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor, Level II (CADCII), Advanced Certified Relapse Prevention Specialist (ACRPS), Nationally Certified Substance Abuse Professional (SAP), world renowned addiction specialist, counselor, interventionist, lecturer, trainer, teacher, author and consultant specializing in addiction related issues.